Incoming from Colorado...finally we are...two months later.  I have thought of a million different blog post titles since we've been here in Colorado but between the crazy 20 month old and the birth of the newest crazy we've been a little busy.

He's here!
Judah Francis Xavier Link was born May 29th at 1:36pm and was 22 inches long, weighing in at 
8lbs, 10oz...

I was super excited that my labor start to finish was less than 12 hours...with G it dragged out forever and then pushing for 3 hours...well, let's just say that it leaves a little to be desired.  But all was well in the world and we are in awe of this little guy.

Judah was still pretty exhausted from all that pushing though...

Marty was super excited to get Judah dressed to go home in his Ralph Lauren prepster outfit 

Gabriella LOVES her little, not so much, but definitely her brother!

There are a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head about the stories this blog will tell, but for now I will relish in the fact that everyone is sleeping soundly (yes, nap time is one of the best times of the day) and that I will soon be sipping a beer, (it's a sacrifice I make for a better milk production). But we're back online people...keep an eye out for more, yes many more updates from the Link's!


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