Bowtoons and Chocolate Chips...
Parent of the year signing on for the first time in a couple of months...I know you all missed me. Happy first day of Spring, happy snowy first day of Spring. Seriously?? Have we not enjoyed the snow enough? I guess not. I am the worst mother ever because I hate taking my kids out in the snow...I mean hate it. Which often results in extremely hyper littles later in the day. So I do laps with them around the living room/kitchen. It also doubles as my exercise some days. And I need that exercise because of this which I am currently getting ready to try right now. Don't judge me, I know it's Lent...I also know that I will die if I don't have coffee, and that would be super tough on Marty. So go with me here.
okay we're ready...
Gabriella has been obsessed with Minnie's BowToons for awhile's so funny how incredibly girly she is sometimes. I love it. When she cuddles down for a good BowToons marathon she always asks for chocolate to love a girl who knows what she needs. But in all seriousness we have been working really hard to simplify our lives this Lent. So not so many BowToons and chocolate chips...and it is HARD with kids to really live simply and actively pray through the day. But speaking of a girl knowing herself a fantastic priest friend of mine told me that the key to holiness is knowing yourself, and knowing that "your self" has changed since becoming a mother. This could not be more incredibly true. There are a lot of days I berate myself for not "spending time in prayer" when in reality I DO spend a lot of time in prayer but my prayer looks much different now that I am a mother. And I have to not only accept that but embrace it. My Vocation went from "wife" to "wife and mother" and that is a beautiful thing.
So prayer is different, life is different, and right now my coffee is different, different and delicious. I mean, seriously, when has Ree ever steered us wrong? I am going to continue to try this Lent to live simply, Marty and I have talked about a million (or maybe 20 things) that we could of them is not using the stove on Fridays during Lent. Which is much harder than I thought it would be...but reminds us that there are so many people who don't have hot meals...and I know I sound all preachy and you're thinking to yourself that I'm drinking hot coffee with butter in it but hey, we all have to start somewhere, okay? Living simply will be different for everyone because, let's be honest, motherhood looks different with much as I aspire to the Pinterest mama, it might not be in my immediate (or extended) future. But doing the best we can with what (and who) we're given is exactly what God calls us to. Some days that is a marathon of BowToons and some days it's making sure that my babies get out of the house...God calls us all to our own holiness and as long as our eyes are on Him, it's the best path we can that's that.
In the meantime, I am going to research the evils of foam play mats and their alternative so I don't end up killing my kids...geez is there anything easy out there? I mean come on, I just need to stop reading altogether I think. But that's another soapbox for another I just need to drink my coffee and embrace my Vocation....
okay we're ready...
Gabriella has been obsessed with Minnie's BowToons for awhile's so funny how incredibly girly she is sometimes. I love it. When she cuddles down for a good BowToons marathon she always asks for chocolate to love a girl who knows what she needs. But in all seriousness we have been working really hard to simplify our lives this Lent. So not so many BowToons and chocolate chips...and it is HARD with kids to really live simply and actively pray through the day. But speaking of a girl knowing herself a fantastic priest friend of mine told me that the key to holiness is knowing yourself, and knowing that "your self" has changed since becoming a mother. This could not be more incredibly true. There are a lot of days I berate myself for not "spending time in prayer" when in reality I DO spend a lot of time in prayer but my prayer looks much different now that I am a mother. And I have to not only accept that but embrace it. My Vocation went from "wife" to "wife and mother" and that is a beautiful thing.
So prayer is different, life is different, and right now my coffee is different, different and delicious. I mean, seriously, when has Ree ever steered us wrong? I am going to continue to try this Lent to live simply, Marty and I have talked about a million (or maybe 20 things) that we could of them is not using the stove on Fridays during Lent. Which is much harder than I thought it would be...but reminds us that there are so many people who don't have hot meals...and I know I sound all preachy and you're thinking to yourself that I'm drinking hot coffee with butter in it but hey, we all have to start somewhere, okay? Living simply will be different for everyone because, let's be honest, motherhood looks different with much as I aspire to the Pinterest mama, it might not be in my immediate (or extended) future. But doing the best we can with what (and who) we're given is exactly what God calls us to. Some days that is a marathon of BowToons and some days it's making sure that my babies get out of the house...God calls us all to our own holiness and as long as our eyes are on Him, it's the best path we can that's that.
In the meantime, I am going to research the evils of foam play mats and their alternative so I don't end up killing my kids...geez is there anything easy out there? I mean come on, I just need to stop reading altogether I think. But that's another soapbox for another I just need to drink my coffee and embrace my Vocation....