A Nesting Pregnancy...

This will be short and sweet...

I often wonder what a normal pregnancy looks like...you know, the kind where you nest during it?  When I was 8 months pregnant with Gabriella we moved from an apartment into Baltimore so we'd have more room for the baby...then the baby came and her nursery wasn't actually done until she was about 4 months old.  I swore up and and down that the next baby that graced the steps of the Link house would have a proper nursery and I would nest...well, now we're headed to Colorado and once again I am 8 months pregnant...

Well, what can you do?  Not much...but I do envy the mamas that get to nest.  Maybe baby #3 will be the lucky baby that gets a nursery.  But I won't hold my breath.

Today I walked into the grocery store and the lady at the check out said..."wow, you're huge and you look ready to be done," up until that point in my day, I thought I was looking pretty good...and I had actually gotten a good night's rest.  But I guess I was wrong.  The conversation went south pretty quickly when I told her I had an 18 month old at home and she proceeded to tell me that I was really in for it when she hits the terrible twos...I thought to myself, "lady, she's been there since she was 15 months...I know what I'm 'in for' but thank you for putting any of my anxious mommy thoughts to rest."

But when I came home and told Marty we only had 5 weeks left till this little guy came...I think I kick started his SUPER anxious daddy thoughts about us driving across the country at the end of the week...

epic loss all around today...but on a positive note we updated our licenses...right before we have to get new ones in Colorado...

okay, I'm done for now...

okay and I got this card (yes, that Gabriella chewed up a little) that is the best baby shower card ever!


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