Things I've Lost...

Just past the half-way mark on this pregnancy I have reflected lately on the things that I've lost...let me explain.  The other day I left the house to go to work, drove all the way to Annapolis and realized I had left my computer at seems to me that in a lot of ways I have lost my mind...where did the "cool as a cucumber" attitude, the "super organized" attributes I used to so pridefully display seem to go?  In their place I have become a slightly crazed hot mess...Marty will attest to this.  I am not as on top of cleaning as I used to be, I don't remember things like I normally do, nor do I seem to get many places on time...a huge pet peeve of mine...
Another thing that I have "lost" is my waistline...slowly, slowly I watch it disappear as this little monster inside of me decides to stretch out so she's more comfy.  Now, I'm not blaming her...if I were in her shoes I would be screaming in outrage because of the small, dark space we've confined her to for the next few months, but still, she's a little out of control...
There are so many things that have changed, and I joke about losing things, which seem to be many but at the same time I look at the little gift growing inside of me and I realize that the things I am "losing" are small in comparison to this little girl.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I hope my organized, cool self comes back at some point and I really, really hope my waistline reappears as well...but I truly feel as though what I've gained and will gain when baby girl Link comes into our lives will outweigh everything else...oh and it's finally time to hit up the maternity section...I'm sure I'll have some stories about that!


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